Nityaningrum Duatibumi (^__^)/ !!!

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Some Japan Habits

It's coming closer to 18 August!! my definitely departure day. i found article about Japan. since read that, i chalenging to prove this. check it out ne!

1. In Japan, number "4 " and "9 " are not liked, so there is no room number "4" and "9 " in every Japanese Hotel. "4" is pronounced "shi" sound with the same meaning "dead", while "9" is pronounced "ku ", the samesound with meaning "kurushii" / miserable.
Di Jepang, angka “4″ dan “9″ tidak disukai, sehingga sering tidak ada nomor kamar “4″ dan “9″. “4″ dibaca “shi” yang sama bunyinya dengan yang berarti “mati”, sedang “9″ dibaca “ku”, yang sama bunyinya dengan yang berarti “kurushii/sengsara.

2. Japanese people like number "8". Every price of gooddies mostly ended by "8". Mlik for example, prices 198 yen.But because current rules require a listed price of goods must include tax, maybe this habit will disappear. (Market = Yaoya = Kanji's writing sounds happyaku-ya or 800shop)
Orang Jepang menyukai angka “8″. Harga-harga barang kebanyakan berakhiran “8″. Susu misalnya 198 yen. Tapi karena aturan sekarang ini mengharuskan harga barang yang dicantumkan sudah harus memasukkan pajak, jadi mungkin kebiasaan ini akan hilang. (Pasar = Yaoya = tulisan kanjinya berbunyi happyaku-ya atau toko 800).

3.When the summer comes,every channel TV in Japan always shows horror movie.
Kalau musim panas, drama di TV seringkali menampilkan hal-hal yang seram (hantu).

4. There are 2 style to read Japanese text : the same with books lettered in Roman alphabet letters are read from top to bottom, and the second is from the right-most column to the left. So the front and back of the book opposite the Roman alphabet books (home page located at "the back").
Cara baca tulisan Jepang ada dua style : yang sama dengan buku berhuruf Roman alphabet huruf dibaca dari atas ke bawah, dan yang kedua adalah dari kolom paling kanan ke arah kiri. Sehingga bagian depan dan belakang buku berlawanan dengan buku Roman alphabet (halaman muka berada di “bagian belakang”).

5.Signature in Japan almost never apply for formal purposes, the Japanese must wear hanko / Inkan / stamp. There a few type of hanko in Japan, a.l. jitsu-in, gingko-ins, and mitome-in. One person has some type of Inkan , for various purposes. Inkan Jitsu-in are used for very important purposes, like buying a house, buy a car, to be a guarantor, etc.. this kind is not registered to shiyakusho. Ginko-in is kind of special Inkan used to create an account at the bank. Inkan is registered at the bank. Mitome-ins used for everyday purposes, and not registered.
Tanda tangan di Jepang hampir tidak pernah berlaku untuk keperluan formal, melainkan harus memakai hanko/inkan/stempel. Jenis hanko di Jepang ada beberapa, a.l. jitsu-in, ginko-in, dan mitome-in. Jadi satu orang kadang memiliki beberapa jenis inkan, untuk berbagai keperluan. Jitsu-in adalah inkan yang dipakai untuk keperluan yang sangat penting, seperti beli rumah, beli mobil, untuk jadi guarantor, dsb. jenis ini diregisterkan ke shiyakusho. Ginko-in adalah jenis inkan yang dipakai untuk khusus membuat account di bank. inkan ini diregisterkan ke bank. Mitome-in dipakai untuk keperluan sehari-hari, dan tidak diregisterkan.

6. If we put a signature, sometimes Japanese will asked: how to read this? In Japan when they needed a signature (eg passport, etc..) , they usually write their names in Kanji, so it can be read clearly. In other hand, we usually make an abbreviation or a spike so that it can not be copied / read by others.
Kalau kita membubuhkan tanda tangan, kadang akan ditanya orang Jepang: ini bacanya bagaimana? Kalau di Jepang saat diperlukan tanda tangan (misalnya di paspor, dsb.) umumnya menuliskan nama mereka dalam huruf Kanji, sehingga bisa terbaca dengan jelas. Sedangkan kita biasanya membuat singkatan atau coretan sedemikian hingga tidak bisa ditiru/dibaca oleh orang lain.

7. TV Shows in Japan always dominated by cooking show.
Acara TV di Jepang didominasi oleh masak memasak.

8. Fotocopy in Japan is self-service, but in Indonesia is on-service.
Fotocopy di Jepang self-service, sedangkan di Indonesia di-service.

9. If you take a taxi in Japan, doors will opened and closed by the taxi driver. Passenger forbidden to opened and closed the door by themselves.
Jika naik taxi di Jepang, pintu dibuka dan ditutup oleh supir. Penumpang dilarang membuka dan menutupnya sendiri.

10. Did you ever see the way Japanese people countingg "one", "two", "three"...with their hands? If you notice, there are differences with the habits with Indonesian people. Indonesian people are generally starting from the hands clenched, and when counting "one", the finger enforced. Counting the "two", the middle finger enforced, and so on. But,the Japanese people were doing the opposite. They always start from an open palm, and the way it calculated the opposite of Indonesia. When saying "one", then the fingers will bend / closed into the palm of the hand.
Pernah nggak melihat cara orang Jepang menghitung “satu”, “dua”, “tiga”.... dengan jari tangannya? Kalau kalian perhatikan, ada perbedaan dengan kebiasaan orang Indonesia. Orang Indonesia umumnya mulai dari tangan dikepal dan saat menghitung “satu”, jari telunjuk ditegakkan. Menghitung “dua”, jari tengah ditegakkan, dst. Kalau orang Jepang, kebalikannya. Mereka selalu mulai dari telapak tangan terbuka, dan cara menghitungnya kebalikan orang Indonesia. Saat bilang “satu”, maka jarinya akan ditekuk/ditutupkan ke telapak tangan.

11. Bicycles forbidden to lifting person, except person that give a lift is more than 16 years old and children who lifted less than 1 year old and the only one who being lifted. If violated, the fine is up to 20 thousand yen. (equivalent to Rp. 2,172,494.70)
Sepeda tidak boleh dipakai boncengan, kecuali yang memboncengkannya berusia lebih dari 16 tahun dan anak yang diboncengkan berusia kurang dari 1 tahun dan hanya seorang saja yang diboncengkan. Bila dilanggar, dendanya maksimal 20 ribu yen. (setara dengan Rp 2.172.494,70)

12. If ride an escalator in Tokyo, we have to stand on the left side, because the right side is for people who in rush. Never stand on the right side if we do not want to immediately to go up.
Kalo naik eskalator di Tokyo, kita harus berdiri di sebelah kiri, karena sebelah kanan adalah untuk orang yang terburu-buru. Jangan sekali-kali berdiri di kanan kalo kita tidak langsung naik.

13.Dating in Japan is really economic, treats the other is not resembling the culture of dating in Japan. So,if they are not husband and wife, they pay everything themselves.
Pacaran di Jepang sungguh hemat, traktir-traktiran bukan budaya pacaran Jepang. Jadi selama belum jadi suami-istri, siapkan duit buat bayar sendiri-sendiri.

14. Pickup your boyfriend/girlfriend is also not resembling Japanese culture. If you like to meeting up, so meeting up at the station.
Antar jemput pacar juga bukan budaya orang Jepang. Kalau mau ketemuan, ya ketemuan di stasiun.

15. Never ever say to the Japanese: "I play to your house. " Because it is not polite. Go to his/her home only if you've allowed.
Jangan pernah sekali-kali bilang ke orang jepang : “Gue maen ke rumah lu ya”. Karena itu dianggap nggak sopan. Ke rumahnya cuma kalau udah diijinkan.

16. "Aishiteru" which means I love you, rarely used when they're on dating, unless they really want to get married. They usually use "Daisuki desu" to say that they care about his girlfriend.
“Aishiteru” yang berarti aku cinta kamu, jarang dipakai sama orang pacaran, kecuali kalau mereka benar-benar sudah mau nikah. Biasanya mereka pakai “Daisuki desu” buat ngungkapin kalau mereka sayang sama pacarnya.

17. Before going out, Japanese people always check the weather forecast. And 90% weather forecast is accurate. That's why when people bring umbrellas, surely we would see another person carrying an umbrella as well. And the intersection of Shibuya is the most interesting place when it rains, because of the above we will see a sea of colorful umbrellas.
Sebelum bepergian, biasanya orang Jepang selalu mengecek ramalan cuaca. Dan 90% ramalan cuaca itu akurat. Itu sebabnya kalau ada orang bawa payung, pasti kita bakal lihat orang yang lainnya lagi bawa payung juga. Dan perempatan Shibuya adalah tempat yang paling menarik ketika hujan, karena dari atas kita akan melihat lautan payung yang berwarna-warni.

18. The Cherry Blossom is the special flower in Japan,because the flower is only grow 2 weeks in one year. When the flowers were growing,flowers in compliance with all trees, without leaves. After 2 weeks, none of the cherry blossoms, only green leaves, without the flower, so it is not interesting anymore.
Bunga sakura adalah bunga yang spesial di Jepang, karena bunganya hanya tumbuh 2 minggu selama setahun. Ketika tumbuh, bunganya memenuhi seluruh pohon, tanpa daun. Setelah 2 minggu, tidak ada satupun bunga sakura, yang ada hanyalah daun-daun hijau, tanpa bunga, dan jadi tidak menarik lagi.

19. In Indonesia, we would get money if we sell our junk to the store sale. But in Japan, we actually have to pay if you want to put our stuff in the shop buy and selling. That is why the Japanese prefer to leave their former TV when moving from their apartments..
Di Indonesia, kita bakal dapet duit kalo kita menjual barang bekas kita ke toko jual-beli. Tapi di Jepang, kita malah harus bayar kalau mau menaruh barang kita di toko jual-beli. Itulah sebabnya kenapa orang Jepang lebih memilih meninggalkan TV bekas mereka begitu aja kalau mau pindah apartemen.

20. At the crossroads of Kyoto, small intersection, no cars at all, but there are red lights, pedestrians always stop when the pedestrian signal lights showing red. They were just relaxed, read newspapers, chatting, smoking, and then off again when the lights are green. Though no car was passing. Maybe, if they break the rules,they would not hurt.
Di perempatan jalan Kyoto, perempatan jalan yang kecil, tidak ada mobil sama sekali, tapi ada lampu merah, pejalan kaki selalu berhenti ketika lampu tanda pejalan kaki menunjukkan warna merah. Mereka santai aja, baca koran, ngobrol, merokok, dan kemudian jalan lagi ketika lampu sudah hijau. Padahal tidak ada mobil yang lewat satupun. Mungkin kalau mereka melanggar peraturan juga tidak akan celaka.

21. They didn't believe in God (majority atheist), but they can be disclipine and obey the rules. Maybe that the reason why their country is developed.
Mereka tidak percaya Tuhan (mayoritas atheis), tapi mereka bisa disiplin dan taat sama peraturan. Mungkin karena itu negara mereka maju.

22. Japan is the second porn country of the world after U.S.A.
Jepang adalah negara paling porno ke 2 setelah Amerika Serikat.

23. Most 12 years age teenage in Japan have ever seen JAV (Japan Adult Video) more than 10times in a month.
Kebanyakan remaja 12 tahun Jepang sudah pernah menonton JAV (Japan Adult Video) lebih dari 10 kali dalam sebulan.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Plan to Go Concert and Fasting

few days ago, i sent e-mail to my host mom. i ask for watch Hey! Say! JUMP concert in Tokyo, 222 August 2011. whoaaa i want watch this concert sooo bad. it's SUMMARY ne! i want to watch it. so i ask her to allow me.

next 2 days she reply my e-mail. before i open it, i worry if my host mom are mad to me. maybe, she will judge me as not polite girl at my e-mail. i am so worry... think twice i prefer meet my host family soon, but write about concert plan so sudenly, maybe make my family disturb... huaaa XD

so, i open it very tightly. and... yokatta! the good thing is she didn't mad me. thus she told me about Family's camping activities. whoaa it sounds fun to me, ne! but, as i predict before... i didn't allow to go to concert... T^T

But, not my host mom didn't allow me to go. but AFS didn't. i know that AFS really protect their exchange. so, i wouldn't doubt about their decision. so, it doesn't matter ro me... yeah, it little bit dissapointed. but i believe that there are so many experiences live by family in Sapporo.

Oya, my host mom also ask me what will be eat din dinner after fasting.... is aid that any food is okay. but no pork and alcohol, of course. but, ia m so curious about taste some sake (Japanese beer). haha, not in Ramadhan of course :P

Also, i can't wait more for meet friends from over the worl in Tokyo orientation. whoaaa!! in Facebook, i meet some of them. we talk much about our lugage and share our curious to depart.. hahaha Tanoshii desu yo ne~~

Oh ya, i don't packing yet... whaaa. ne, i'm not lazy. because my maid come back to her hometown this month. it's Ramadhan month, time for moslem to fasting. and she left my family, whether she will come back or not! mehhhh!!

so, i as a first daughter, and i am not school anymore (waiting for 18 August). keeping and cleaning the house are my jobs now.... hahha but for sure, i do it with happy feeling~~

Jyaa.. that's for this time.
Wait me in another post ne~~~

Monday, August 1, 2011

Little Gift for Japan

Based on what happens in  11 March 2011. Tsunami was hit Japan. this disaster bring a nightmare. there were so many victims.

thinking about my departure (at least 20 days to go) i think about something that will help Japan. just a little thing. I have an idea to give gift dolls for children refugee. is it good?

i think that they lack of toys. they maybe boring or feel alone at the camp. i want to donate dolls or toy for them, and i hope they will be happy.... i think this is good for their psyche.

but it just an idea. i start (already) collect dolls from my friends. but, i don't know how i send the dolls. it may charge lots of money. since the weight of dolls.

anyone please help me pay for shipping packages to their toys ... I do not intend at all lied to you about the cost. anyone who is serious to help, contact e-mail me

Any help would mean all for the kids. Please help them.

Thank you.